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Some studies show that there is no dependence on reading books and mental research, because there are other sources from which to draw information, such as movies, games or paintings. The question is quite controversial, but it cannot be denied that reading replenish our vocabulary. That is, you can gain active/passive vocabulary, you can look for cheap ghostwriters for hire or watch movies, you will develop, don't forget about it.
The hardcover edition of Letters of a Nation is currently available at bookstores everywhere. It is published by Kodansha International, 1997, and is listed under ISBN #1-56836-196-3. Click here and order it directly from amazon.com. If you want to know the main directions of our site and why we are so interested in literature, check out our article: "Beyond Words: Letters on War, Faith, and Environmental Concerns"
The paperback edition of Letters of a Nation is now here! Click here to order the paperback (published by Broadway Books, 1999, ISBN#0-7679-0331-5) from amazon.com.

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